Learning to serve the Lord and my family one day at a time.

Learning to serve the Lord and my family one day at a time.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

June and July Reads

David and I start our Bradley Childbirth class tomorrow and I'm excited to say I was able to finish reading Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way, before the class began. I highly recommend this book for all pregnant mommies, even if you are not planning on having a natural birth. The book is graphic, which threw me for a loop at first, but the details of birth, relaxation techniques and labor practice have helped me to become educated and at ease about labor. The Bradley classes study and practice this material over a course of 12 weeks. For more information on the Bradley Method and to find a class visit Bradley Birth.com.

June Reading
Finished bible study book No Other Gospel 
Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way

July Reading 
Bible study, Shepherding a Child's Heart 
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (this book is rather long I may not get around to my second book)
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child 


  1. A few I found helpful were "The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth" by Henci Goer and for breastfeeding I liked the Dr. Sears "The Breastfeeding Book" and "So That's What They're For" by Janet Tamaro. The LLL book was just too long and dry (I did read it). The other two books provided the same info but were easier to stick with and more entertaining (The Tamaro book is hilarious. I was laughing the entire time.) I'd also recommend "The No Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. Even if you do want to do a CIO method I found a lot of the tips about bedtime routine, napping scheduling, and other tips to be very helpful. We didn't do CIO but we didn't really do AP either...it was kind of a happy medium between the two.

    And just so you don't think some weird stranger is commenting on your blog I grew up at Northside with David & Beth.

  2. Kelley, you are so right! The LLL was much too long and not terribly helpful in my opinion, I ended up scanning many of the chapters. My Bradley teacher also recommended a "Thinking Woman's Guide" I'm currently waiting for it from the library.
