Learning to serve the Lord and my family one day at a time.

Learning to serve the Lord and my family one day at a time.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Good Reads for September

I'm not doing the best job of keeping track of what I've been reading so I had to sit and think for a few minutes about last month's books. 

Bringing Up Girls by James Dobson. This came out last year and is a must read for every parent of girls. Some parts were very encouraging about the unique way God created our daughters differently from boys, the powerful relationship parents, especially fathers, have with their daughters. Other chapters I found somewhat distressful and even scary as he recounted statistics about the plight of modern girls. Kind of made me want to lock up our daughter until she's 25 honestly. Praise the Lord we are not alone as we raise our children and it is not in our own strength. God's grace (and his guidance) is sufficient! 

The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer. Fantastic book for all pregnant woman explaining all the different medical procedures and practices used in obstetrics and midwifery. She is slanted towards natural childbirth which she gladly admits to but each subject is covered in a relatively non biased way with the pros and cons summarized with supporting medical literature. There are over one hundred pages of references. 

Subjects include cesareans * ultrasound * gestational diabetes * breech babies * inducing labor * IVs * electronic fetal monitoring * ruptured membranes * epidurals * episiotomies * vaginal birth after a cesarean * midwives and obstetricians * alternative birthing methods * choosing a birth location * drugs and delivery * elective induction * professional labor support * and much more 

I've already finished two books for October and have a huge stack of library books to get through. I normally only check out one or two at a time but I put ten books on hold and they are coming in quicker than I can read them. I will have lots of time nursing baby girl over the next year to enjoy new books. 

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